College Life Bucket List

College life is the best time of everyone's life. So, it's very important for everyone to take the most out of the wonderful college time. So, here I present a list of wonderful things everyone should do before graduating from the college (but without falling into trouble). Actually, I've tried to make this list a perfect list for both the native and international students. So, here we go. 1. Exploring the place Whether you're a native or an international student, freshmen year is all about exploration. As soon as you get on campus, start exploring the campus and the city (after settling down and completing all the formalities at the campus). You'll be fascinated to know about the various college traditions, events, and student groups. 2. Enrolling in the Student Groups/Participating in the college traditions and events Obviously, all those student groups and college traditions aren't just for exploring, are they? They're for participation...